Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What are RCC Pipes

Reinforced concrete (RCC) pipes are manufactured by the centrifugal spinning process in which mechanical mixers are used to reinforce the cage and the reinforcing cage to the barrel of pipes. Reinforcement cages for precast concrete pipes consist of spiral or circular rings and struts of soft steel wire. Reinforcement cages are placed symmetrically with respect to the wall thickness of the RCC pipe. By combining the centrifugal force and vibration to spin pipes horizontally, the compaction of concrete is achieved in these precast concrete pipes.

BRHC reinforced concrete pipes are available in internal diameters ranging from 150 mm dia to 900 mm dia. BRHC manufacture  non-pressure RCC span pipes in the RCC pipe NP2 class, RCC pipe NP3 class and RCC pipe NP4 class. These rcc Hume pipes are applied for following systems:
·         Concrete pipes in Culverts system
·         Concrete pipes in Storm Sewers system 
·         Concrete pipes in Sanitary Sewers system 
·         Concrete pipes in Low Pressure Pipelines system 
·         Concrete pipes in Storm-water Detention Systems 
·         Concrete Pipes in Jacked or Tunneled Systems

 ISI Marked RCC Pipes
As per Indian Standards IS 458 issued by Bureau of Indian Standards in the year 2003, the conditions where Non-Pressure NP2 Class Concrete Pipes can be normally used are in Drainage and irrigation, cross drains / light traffic flow cushions
As per Indian Standards IS 458 issued by Bureau of Indian Standards in the year 2003, the conditions where Non-Pressure NP3 Class Concrete Pipes can be normally used are in Drainage and irrigation, cross drains / light traffic flow cushions
 As per Indian Standards IS 458 issued by Bureau of Indian Standards in the year 2003, the conditions where Non-Pressure NP4 Class Concrete Pipes can be normally used are in Drainage and irrigation, cross drains / light traffic flow cushions

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