Sunday, September 6, 2020

What is the property of RCC?


What is the property of RCC?

Concrete is good for resisting compression but it is also very weak in preventing stress. Therefore reinforcement will be provided in concrete where tensile stress is expected. The best reinforcement is steel, because steel has a high tensile strength and the bonds between steel and concrete are good. Since the elastic modulus of steel is higher, the resistance by steel is higher than that of concrete for the same expansion.

In the tensile zone, however, a shortage of hair in concrete is inevitable. Reinforcement is usually in the form of mild steel or ribbed steel bars of 6 mm to 32 mm diameter. A cage of reinforcement is made according to the requirements of the design, it is placed in the work of the form and then the green concrete is poured. Form work will be removed once the concrete has hardened. The combined material of steel and concrete is now RCC. Acts as a structural member and can withstand stress as well as stressors.


Properties of R.C.C./Requirement of Good R.C.C.


1. It should be able to resist the expected tensile, compression, bending and shearing forces.

2.It should not show excessive deflection and spoil the need for serviceability.

3. Reinforcement should have proper covering, so that corrosion is prevented.

4. Cracks of developed hair should be within the permissible limits.

5.It is a good fire resistant material.

6.When it is fresh it can be molded to any desired shape and size.

7. The durability is very good.

8.R.C.C. The structure can be designed to take any load.


Uses of R.C.C.


This building is widely used. Some of its most important uses are listed below:

1. R.C.C. is used as a structural element, the common structural elements in a building where

R.C.C. is used are:

(a) Footings (b) Columns

(c) Beams and lintels (d) roofs and slabs.

(e) Stairs.

2. R.C.C. is used for the construction of storage structures like

(a) Water tanks (b) Dams

(c) Bins (d) Silos and bunkers.

3. It is used for the construction of big structures like

(a) Bridges (b) Retaining walls

(c) Docks and harbors (d) Under water structures.

4. It is used for pre-casting

(a) Railway sleepers (b) Electric poles

5. R.C.C. is used for constructing tall structures like

(a) Multistory buildings (b) Chimneys

(c) Towers.

6. It is used for paving

(a) Roads (b) Airports.

7. R.C.C. is used in building atomic plants to prevent danger of radiation. For this purpose R.C.C. walls built are 1.5 m to 2.0 m thick.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C )

Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C )


RCC is the most integral component of 21st century civil engineering, reinforced cement concrete. The RCC has elevated the world to a higher level.


What is Reinforced ?


According to the Oxford Dictionary, reinforced means "make it strong." So we make concrete with steel strips.

What is cement ?


Cement is a well-known building material as a mandatory space occupied in construction work.


China is currently India's second largest cement producer.


What is concrete ?


Inorganic materials, known as common concrete cement, are mixed with water and combined with natural stone piles and natural stones that can be boiled or crushed.

Why the combination of rust and material?


a)The co-efficiency of linear expansion of concrete and steel is almost the same. Therefore no internal stress is established in the reinforced concrete due to the change in temperature. ( Materials expand or contract when subjected to change in temperature .... An average value for the co-efficient of increase in light of concrete is about 10*10^-6/c, & steel for 7.2*10^-6/c. )


b) The coating of cement on the steel bars protects them from rust and does not create adverse chemical effects.


c) The surface of the steel rod is set very quickly while gripping concrete. Therefore, concrete can transfer stresses to the reinforcement that cannot be resisted.

Advantages, Disadvantages and uses:


Advantages: Reinforced concrete has the following advantages:

1. It will not rot or rot and will not be attacked by termites.

2. It is economical in terms of cost.

3. Almost no moisture is passed.

4. Its constituents are easily available.


5.It can be easily molded into any shape.

6. It is durable.


7. The structural member can be made with any desired strength.


Cons: Cons of reinforced concrete-


1. High initial cost,


2. Heavier than steel construction,


3. Skilled supervision and workmanship required,


4. Involves additional cost of form-work,


Uses: Reinforced cement concrete is commonly used for the construction of the following:


1. Slabs,


2. Lintels,


3. Beams,


4. Columns and their footings,


5. Foundations,


6. Precast or cast-in-situ concrete piles etc.